Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Peaceful Reflection WIP2

Peaceful Reflection WIP2

Well, a long time has past since my last drawing. I've been so busy. Recently I've started this piece. Same technique as "Classical Beauty" [link] (graphite pencils and sticks and mechanical pencils from 5H to 9B, kneaded and simple erasers, plain paper size A4)
It’s from the same photoshoot of beautiful Alsou as the one before. Why this one. It was my moms idea. She just loved the first one and been asking me to make the one just like it. So I finally decided to do it. And cause my scanner got fixed and now I can scan my wip's.
Now I'm pushing a little contrast for leveling sake between the darkest and lightest patches.
I went to some drawing classes a long time ago. We were drawing shapes in line art and the teacher told me that even the lightest patch on the drawing must have graphite on it. I really like that technique. Sadly that point it totally lost when scanning. But I'm telling anyway. I hope it's useful.

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